Friday, July 17, 2009

The little one is here

Akeyna Raven
Born July 15th
5.4 lbs.
17.5 inches
She is the tiniest little thing but healthy and finally here. It took 17 hours from start to finish. Devon and Terri were with me the whole way, I couldn't have done it without them. There were a few complications due to my high blood pressure and after she was born I had to be taken to the hospital where I stayed for 2 days. But we are now at home, safe and sound.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Latest....

8 1/2 months...but it could come any day now. Keep praying that my blood pressure goes down. It has gone down about ten points, but it still needs to keep going down. The midwife is also concern that because of the high blood pressure my liver is having some problems. They did some test and are going to get the results by Tuesday or Wednesday. Pray that everything is alright with those, that there is no problems what so ever.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Desperate prayer needed

Yep...prayer time. Seems like I have pretty high blood pressure, which is really not a good thing. It can be controlled and brought down to a safe level, but right now it is just not going's going up. I have been doing all that I can to bring it down, but if it doesn't go down soon I will have to go into the hospital for a C-section in order to get the baby out. It could cause problems with my liver and kidneys, or cause a ruptured placenta, all of which are very bad. If left for too long it could be fatal, both for the baby and I. My midwife wants to get the baby out as soon as possible before my blood pressure gets too high, so she is inducing labor...meaning that the baby could come any day now.
Please pray that my blood pressure does go down and that I have a smooth and easy birth, with no more complications. The Lord can do it...but He needs our prayers.

Monday, July 6, 2009

I am actually 8 months....

That pic down there is just the most resent one I have. I actually have only 3 weeks (give or take) left. I don't have any pics though, so that's why I put the 7 months pic there. Devon's nagging me to take a more resent one so I will sometime soonish....maybe.
So yea, due date is July 28th. Pray that all goes well.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

7 months

San Marcos

Spent the day at this beautiful river, went tubing, swimming, BBQ. Terri and Jaydee came along as well and brought the little guys. It was fun...good times.

We all got a little Captain in us right?

Devon doing what he does best!